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Tomio Yuki: Tokubetsu Junmai
English: The Rich and Revered Sage
Tomio is iconic of Fushimi sake in the Edo period. It was carted to Osaka and Edo where it captured the palates of Eastern Japan. It is brewed using Nihonbare rice and features a distinct aroma and a mild sour taste.
Special Characteristics
Medium Dry & Rich
Rice Variety: Hyogo Namada Nishiki
Sake Meter Value: +4.0
Milling: 68%
Alcohol By Volume: 14 - 16 %
Preferred Serving Temperature:
On-The-Rocks | Chilled | Room Temp | Warm | Hot |
Available Sizes
720 mL
1.8 L
Region: Kansai
Prefecture: Kyoto
Taste Profile
Tasting Notes
Aromatic, Rice-Forward, Mildly Sour Finish.