Mikunihare Shuzo
Founded in 1887, Mikunihare Shuzo is located in Kurobe City in Toyama Prefecture. Throughout Japan, many breweries utilize water drawn from Top 100 water sources as certified by the Ministry of the Environment. That said, Mikunihare is the ONLY brewery in which a Top 100 water source springs within the brewery grounds. In fact, the brewery possesses three distinct springs, each producing water of starkly different character, two of which provide water suitable for sake brewing. The brewery is currently led by Shingo Iwase, one of fewer than 40 elite sake professionals in the world qualified to judge flaws in sake.
当蔵には環境省選定の日本名水百選のきれいな水が湧き出しており、日本で唯一酒蔵の敷地内で名水が湧いています。 この水は軽やかでさっぱりとした味わいで、この水と地元・富山県産のコメを使って美味しい酒を醸しております。